Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Two Headed Monster

As if the The Sports Guy wasn't good enough,'s Page 2 has now added the genius of Chuck Klosterman - who will contribute a column once a month to the site - and I couldn't be more excited (well I did score a ticket to see Jeff Tweedy next week so I'm slightly more excited about that).

If you're not familiar with Chuck go out and pick up a copy of Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puff or Killing Yourself To Live or go and read his monthly column in Spin Magazine and you'll realize why I'm so excited about this.

Here's an brief excerpt from his new column, just to prove my point....

"I am an apolitical person. Absolutely nobody believes me when I say that, but it's true. Every conservative person I know thinks I'm mixing Noam Chomsky's personal Kool-Aid, and every liberal I know seems to assume I want to shampoo Ann Coulter's hair while watching outtakes from "The Passion of the Christ." I have no idea how this happened. For example, I don't have an opinion on abortion. I really, truly do not. You want to have an abortion? Fine; take my car keys, You think abortion is murder? Well, you're probably right. Who knows? Either way, it doesn't have anything to do with me. Do I think George W. Bush is the worst president of my lifetime? Well, of course I do -- but that's not because he's a Republican. It's because he somehow (a) got into Yale, yet (b) claims "the jury is still out" on the theory of evolution."

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